Important Notice

This report has been prepared and issued by Accela Research Ltd (Accela Research). It sets out information and observations about certain statements made by the organisation(s) that is or are the subject of this report (each an Organisation) concerning its business operations.

1. This report comprises general statements of factual information. Nothing in this report is intended to provide or constitute financial product advice (whether personal or general) or investment advice, or as a recommendation, opinion, endorsement, or sponsorship of any financial product, class of financial products, security, company, or fund. This report must not be relied on by any Recipient for financial product advice or investment purposes, as the report does not in any way take into account any personal objectives, circumstances or financial needs of any particular Recipient. Accela Research is not responsible for any investment or other decision made by anyone (including a Recipient) and each Recipient is responsible for its own investment research and investment decisions. To the extent that a Recipient is an investor, or is considering investing in the Organisation (or any financial products of the Organisation or any other organisation), that person must obtain its own financial or investment advice in relation to any investment in the Organisation (or any of its financial products or the financial products of any other organisation).

2. Accela Research does not provide tax, legal, investment, financial product or accounting advice. This report is not intended to provide, and must not be relied on for, tax, legal, investment or accounting advice, and it does not take into account any personal objectives, circumstances or financial needs of any particular Recipient.

3. This report is neither a prospectus nor a product disclosure statement regulated under the Corporations Act, nor is it required to be. A copy is not required to be, and has not been, lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

4. This report does not purport to contain all or any information that may be required to evaluate any transaction in relation to the Organisation (or would be required if it were a disclosure document which required lodgement with ASIC under the Corporations Act). The Recipient and its advisers must conduct their own independent review, investigations and analysis of the Organisation and of the information contained, or referred to, in this report.

5. This report is for information and educational purposes only. The information provided in this report is derived from publicly available information, and the purpose of publishing this report is to promote action by the Recipient consistent with Accela Research’s sustainability objectives.

6. Nothing in this report is intended as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any financial product, class of financial products, security, company, or fund.

7. This report is not meant as a general guide to investing, nor as a source of any specific or general recommendation or opinion in relation to any financial products or the Organisation. Unless attributed to others, any observations or opinions expressed are our current observations or opinions only. Certain information presented may have been provided by third parties. Accela Research believes that such third-party information is reliable, and has checked public records to verify it where possible, but does not guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or completeness; and it is subject to change without notice.

8. Neither Accela Research, nor its directors, officers, employees, agents, advisers or representatives (referred to collectively as the Beneficiaries) makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this report or previously or subsequently provided to the Recipient by any of the Beneficiaries, and the Beneficiaries shall have no responsibility arising in respect of the information contained in this report or in any other way for errors or omissions (including responsibility to any persons by reason of negligence), except insofar as liability under any law cannot be excluded.

9. This report may contain hypertext links, frames, or other references to other parties and their websites. Accela Research cannot control the content of those sites and makes no warranty about the accuracy, timeliness or subject matter of the material located on those sites. Accela Research does not approve of, endorse, or sponsor any content or material on such sites. Accela Research makes no warranties or representations that material on other websites to which this website is linked does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person anywhere in the world.