Email disclaimer
Accela disclaims all liability for all costs, loss, damage and liability that any third party may suffer, incur or is likely to suffer or incur, arising from or relating to this email (including attachments).
Accela does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of this communication. Any views expressed in this communication are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Accela. To the extent permitted by law, under no circumstances including negligence, shall Accela be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or loss of profits that result from the use or inability to use this email and/or attachments including those that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, viruses, errors, defects, or failure of performance, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorised access.
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This email (including attachments) may also contain general advice. Any general advice has been prepared without considering your personal objectives, financial situation or needs as defined under s 766B(3)-(4) Corporations Act. Before acting on the information we provide you should consider the appropriateness of the information and your corporation’s risk tolerance before making any financial or investment decisions.